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How do I get started with Access Management in Trackunit Manager?
How do I get started with Access Management in Trackunit Manager?

With Access Management you can quickly and easily oversee access on a day-to-day basis to ensure operators are safe and assets are secure.

Updated over a week ago

You need to have an Admin or Fleet Admin role to be able to use Access Management in Trackunit Manager. Read more about user roles here


  • To use a Digital Key*, your asset needs a Bluetooth-enabled TU600 or TU700 and a relay

  • To use the other access types, you require a DualID or a K300 keypad

* Not currently widely available from Trackunit in North America. Exceptions exist for select Trackunit partners. For more information, contact Trackunit.

How do I start?

Do you have your Raw device and your keypad installed, activated and verified? Then you are ready to proceed with the first steps of Access Management.

Within the Access Management app in Trackunit Manager, you can

  • create operators

  • create keys

  • assign keys to operators

  • edit the details or delete keys and/or operators

You can always go in and create operators and keys, but we recommend that you follow the order below:

  1. Create an operator

  2. Create a key for the operator

  3. Assign the key to the operator

Watch the short video below to see how to complete the first steps. Alternatively, you can keep reading this article for a detailed description of the actions you can take in Access Management.

How do I create an operator

To create a single operator:

Sign in to Trackunit Manager

  1. Go to the Access Management app on the left side menu

  2. Click Create new operator in the upper right corner

  3. Fill out details about the operator in the Create operator window (Name is mandatory)

  4. Select the Access type

    💡 Tip: If you want to notify the operator, fill in the operator phone number (including country code) and click the Send SMS invitation checkbox at the bottom of the Create operator window.

  5. Click the Create new operator button.

💡 Tip: Your operator is now created, and you will be asked if you'd like to assign keys to the operator right away or later. Click "Assign keys now" to create a key and assign it to the operator you just created. Alternatively, you can click "Assign keys later".

You can always create a new key for any operator by selecting the operator from the Access Management dashboard. From the operator page, click on the tab "Keys" on the left side menu, and then "Create new key".

Alternatively, you can create a new key from the main Access Management dashboard, and assign it to an operator from there (see "How do I create a key and assign it to an operator" further down in this article).

To create multiple operators (bulk upload):

Sign in to Trackunit Manager

  1. Go to the Access Management app on the left side menu

  2. Click Upload operators

  3. Drop a CSV or EXCEL file in the drop zone (you can download data format templates using the Download CSV Template or Download Excel Template buttons)

  4. Select the operators you want to import in the left hand column or select all by clicking the top box

  5. Click Import selected (your can send SMS invites to all the imported operators, if you click the Send SMS invitation to selected operators after creation)

How do I create a key and assign it to an operator

Sign in to Trackunit Manager

  1. Go to the Access Management app on the left side menu

  2. Click Keys

  3. Click Create new key

    Note: To assign keys to operators, you need to select Personal key.
    Non-personal keys will not be assigned to any specific operators.

  4. Select an operator from the list

  5. Click Next

  6. Select from the list which assets the operator is permitted to access

  7. Click Next

  8. Select the access type the operator should use to access the asset

  9. Set From and To dates

  10. Click Next

  11. Review and click Create key

How do I edit or delete a key

Sign in to Trackunit Manager

  1. Go to the Access Management app on the left side menu

  2. Click Keys

  3. Select the key(s) you want to edit and click Edit in the appearing action bar

  4. In the dialog box you will be able to edit:

    • End date

    • Description

  5. To delete a key, select the key(s) you want to delete and click Delete in the appearing action bar

💡 Tip: If you want to edit the name of the Customer associated with the key, you'll need to edit this under the Customers app

operator keys 2.png

💡 Tip:

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