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Completing a non-reporting-unit inspection work order in the Fit app
Completing a non-reporting-unit inspection work order in the Fit app
Updated over 3 months ago

Find the non-reporting-unit (NRU) work order

Open the Fit app and log in with your Trackunit credentials.

If you haven't already, you need to select the customer for which you are doing the installation work.

After selecting the customer, use the Find Work or Quick Scan function to find the work order you want to complete.

💡 Tip: When using “Find Work”, click on the filter functionality in the top right corner and click on “Service Types”. Here you can filter for “NRU INSP”.

Note: if a work order does not exist for a particular machine, please reach out to the Fleet Manager or for approval to add any new machines to the customer’s fleet for service.

  1. Click on the NRU inspection work order you want to work on to get started.

  2. After selecting a NRU inspection work order, you will be prompted to confirm whether the telematics device is present on the machine. Click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based on immediate machine inspection.

    1. If you select ‘Yes’- You will begin the inspection process (follow the instructions on this page and onward)

    2. If you select ‘No’ – You will be pushed to the new installation process. In this case, follow the instruction here for completing an Installation work order.

  3. If you selected Yes, confirm whether the past installation was an Access Control (INST-L1) or Non-Access Control (INST-M1) install by selecting the install service type from the drop-down selection.

  4. Review and confirm details on the Asset form. If necessary you can make changes to Asset ID, CAN profile, Year, Engine Hours, Engine Type and Immobilizer type.

  5. Click Complete set-up.

  6. Click into the Device section, to understand the device connections, and confirm or change any device settings and input settings such as Mobile Signal, GPS Satellites, Battery Charge, Power Supply, Battery Voltage and RSSI.

  7. From the ‘Device Settings’ section, you can also configure specific device settings of a previous telematics install.

  • Turn on Input Filtering: This function is needed if the machine is equipped with a battery negative disconnect switch. This changes the ground reference for the inputs from blue wire to pink wire, enabling correct input status and current battery voltage. The pink wire will need to be connected to chassis ground in order for this change to take effect.

  • Output Mode: Output mode is automatically enabled when the output ground is enabled by the device. This can also be toggled on and off if you need to force the output on or off for output/relay enabled testing purposes.

  • IN2 > OUT1: This setting is automated through the app, and is a function that activates output 1 automatically when input 2 turns on. This setting is critical for access control installs, as it energizes the relay based input 2 status, ensuring that if a keypad is not being used for an access control install, that the machine can be enabled.

  • Inputs Configuration: In this section, you can change the inputs to accommodate local standards and to gain additional insights from your units.

Install Validation

For the next part of completing the NRU inspection work order, you need to validate the connections to the Trackunit device.

This section is important to understand if the telematics device has been wired correctly to the equipment.

  1. Return to the Service Landing Page and click on Certification

  2. Machine Metadata: Validate the equipment details of the machine you are installing the Trackunit device on.

    Note: If the work order already exists in the Fit app, this section will be automatically populated

    ​If the metadata is incomplete and cannot be completed you will need to add a note in order to bypass this section. Click Add note to bypass to add a note about why this information is incomplete.

    A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated

  3. Power Validation: Validate that the machine you are installing the Trackunit device on has enough power to complete the install. This ensures that an install is not done on a machine that has no or limited power.

    This part of the certification will detect the external power voltage, and will certify an installation that has power greater than 11.5 V.

    If no power is able to be detected from the machine you will need to add a note in order to bypass this section. Click Add note to bypass to add a note about why you are installing on a machine without enough power.

  4. Input Wiring: Validate the wiring of all of your inputs:

    Input 1 (Run Hours Accumulation)

    Input 2 (Ignition Wiring)

    Input 3 (Starter Interupt Wiring – Access Control Installs only)

    Click Start now under Input validation. This section will guide you through a 5 step process to validate you have wired your inputs correctly.

  5. Once you have completed the five input validation steps, click Finish.

If input wiring is uncertified, you will need to add a note to bypass this section. Click Add Note to Bypass to add a note and skip the Input Validation section.

After running the machine for a few minutes, and going through the Input Validation each section will indicate the status of the Install Validation.

These section will will be marked as either

A green and black text

Description automatically generated


A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated

Should you be unable to certify an installation for any particular reason, you will be required to input a note in that specific certification section, to bypass the certification. The status of this certification section of the install, will then be marked as

A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated

Repairing or replacing the device

After completing the certification process, you will proceed to indicate if the device can or cannot be repaired.

  1. Click on Service Questions.

Can the device be repaired?

  • Yes - Select this option if, after reviewing past connections of the device and going through the certification section, the device has been ‘Certified’ in all sections of the certification process. This means the device was able to be repaired.

  • No – Select this option if, after reviewing past connections and the wiring of the device, the device is “Uncertified’ in all sections of the certification process. This means the device was unable to be repaired.

​When an NRU can be Repaired Post Inspection

  1. Indicate the suspected reason for the non-reporting unit, based on your inspection. You will need to select one of the following reasons for the non-reporting unit:

  2. Go back and click Save.

  3. Capture photos of the device post inspection. After validating that you have been able to repair the previous installation, document photos of the inspection and past installation by clicking Service Photos.

  4. Click on the ‘Camera’ icon in each box. The application will open your camera, and prompt you to take a picture of the connection, device, or machine.

    Dependant on the Install Type (Access Control, or Standard Install) you will be required to capture the following photos of your install:

Inspection Photos Required (Access Control & Non-Access Control Inspections)

Install Integrity

TU Serial

Power Connection

Ground Connection

Input 1 Connection

Input 2 Connection

Installation Integrity

CAN Bus Connection (If applicable)

Once you have captured all required photos, the section will indicate you have captured the correct number of photos in green, and show as complete.

5. Complete the inspection. After completing the Certification, Service Questions and Service Photos section, click on the Complete button to finish the inspection process.

When an NRU cannot be Repaired Post Inspection

  1. Indicate why you are unable to repair the device, following inspection. You will need to select one of the following reasons for the non-reporting unit:

  2. Go back and click Save

  3. Capture photos of the device post inspection. After validating that you have not been able to repair the previous installation, document photos of the inspection and past installation by clicking Service Photos.

  4. Click on the ‘Camera’ icon in each box. The application will open your camera, and prompt you to take a picture of the connection, device, or machine.

    Dependant on the Install Type (Access Control, or Standard Install) you will be required to capture the following photos of your install:

Inspection Photos Required (Access Control & Non-Access Control Inspections)

Install Integrity

TU Serial

Power Connection

Ground Connection

Input 1 Connection

Input 2 Connection

Installation Integrity

CAN Bus Connection (If applicable)

Once you have captured all required photos, the section will indicate you have captured the correct number of photos in green, and show as complete.

5. Complete the inspection. After completing the Certification, Service Questions and Service Photos section, click on the Complete button to finish the inspection process.

6. Begin the re-installation process of the new Trackunit device, by clicking Continue to Installation.

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