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How do I migrate from Classic Manager to Trackunit Manager?
How do I migrate from Classic Manager to Trackunit Manager?

Learn how to migrate features from Classic Manager to Trackunit Manager with the Migration Tool.

Updated over a week ago

For the past year, Trackunit has been building and launching new features in Trackunit Manager to help you increase efficiency in your day-to-day business.

Trackunit Manager is designed to allow the addition of fresh capabilities and functionalities to help you as you digitize your business. Trackunit Manager still solves the same issues for your business, just with new or enhanced features.

As Classic Manager will be discontinued in 2025, we encourage you to start migrating your Classic Manager features to the latest version of Trackunit Manager. For this purpose, you can use our Migration Tool directly in Trackunit Manager.

The Migration Tool is only available for Admins and Fleet Admins and needs to be made available for your account by your Trackunit representative.

If you do not already have access to the Migration tool, reach out to your Trackunit representative if you would like to have access.

What is the Migration Tool?

The Migration Tool is a step-by-step guide to help you move features from Classic Manager to the Trackunit Manager. It allows you to audit your existing features, determine which customizations you actually use, and transfer them to the corresponding use case in Trackunit Manager.

Step-by-step guide to Migrate from Classic Manager to Trackunit Manager

Keep reading for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to migrate your Classic Manager features to Trackunit Manager with the Migration Tool, or watch the demo-video below:

Migrating Zones / Points of Interest (POIs) to Sites

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager.

  2. Click on the Migration Tool app in the left-hand menu.

  3. Under Zones & POI, click Migrate.

You will need to decide which Classic Zones and POIs you would like to migrate and assign them to a Site type.

When you select one or more Zones/POI, you will see a blue bar pop up with options to delete or select a Site type for your chosen Zones/POI.

Once you select a Site type, the selected Zones/POI will be removed from the list and moved to the review page.

Here’s a breakdown of the different Site types in Trackunit Manager:

  • Construction Site: A temporary site for construction, demolition, renovation, expansion, etc.

  • Depot: Asset storage, for example, equipment depots, rental yards, rental branches

  • Workplace: Permanent site with daily asset use, like a warehouse or factory

  • Area: Any other type of site, often used for full regions or territories

Once you have decided which Zones/POI you would like to migrate, and to which Site type, click Next.

Now, you will have one more chance to review the Zones/POI that will be migrated. If everything looks good, click Migrate and we will take care of the rest.

💡Tip: If you need to make changes to your selections, click Remove, then click on Select Zones or Points of Interest to return to step one where you can select the Zone / POI anew.

​Migrating Alarms to Alerts

Before migrating your Alarms, here are a few important points to note:

  • If you have Alarms in Classic Manager that have already triggered, they will not appear as triggered in Alerts in Trackunit Manager until the alert triggers again.

    For example: If you have a Zone alarm that triggered because your asset moved outside of the Zone, the asset will need to move into the Site and back out of the Site in order for the new Site-based theft Alert to trigger.

  • If you have Movement alarms set up in Classic Manager, they will be migrated to Movement-based theft Alerts in Trackunit Manager. These alerts will trigger if movement (specific range) of the asset is detected within a specific time frame. Movement includes instances where the machine in motion or is being transported on a truck, trailer etc. Learn how to create and edit your Movement-based theft Alerts here

  • If you have Geofence alarms set up in Classic Manager, they will be migrated to Movement-based theft alerts. Movement-based theft alerts are triggered if movement of the asset is detected outside the working hours you have set. We recommend that you check the settings of the new Movement-based theft alert after you have migrated it to make sure you have your working hours set up correctly. Learn how to create and edit your Movement-based theft Alerts here

  • Admins using the migration tool will be able to see and migrate all alarms that are setup in Classic Manager, including alarms created by other users than the admins themselves.

  • If you have any alarms associated with your Zones or Points of Interest in Classic Manager, you will need to migrate those as well. If no action is taken, all alarms associated with Zone and POI will be deleted when Classic Manager is removed.

Migrating the alarms

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager.

  2. Click on the Migration Tool app in the left-hand menu.

  3. Under Alarms, click Migrate.

You will need to decide which Classic alarms you would like to migrate and assign them a severity level.

Note: You do not have to choose the Alert type, as we will automatically assign your Classic Alarm to the corresponding Alert type.

When you select one or more alarms, you will see a blue bar pop up with options to delete or select a severity level for your chosen alarms.

Once you select a severity level, the selected alarms will be removed from the list and moved to the review page.

When you have completed your selection, click Next.

Now, you will have one more chance to review the alarms that will be migrated. If everything looks good, click Migrate and we will take care of the rest.

💡 Tip: if you need to make changes to your selections, click Remove, then click on Select Alarms to return to step one where you can select the alarms anew.

Migrating Clients to Customers

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager.

  2. Click on the Migration Tool app in the left-hand menu.

  3. Under Clients, click Migrate.

You will need to decide which Clients you would like to migrate and assign them a Customer type.

When you select one or more Clients, you will see a blue bar pop up with options to delete or select a Customer type for your chosen Clients.

Once you select a Customer type, the selected Clients will be removed from the list and moved to the review page.

When you have completed your selection, click Next.

Now, you will have one more chance to review the Clients that will be migrated. If everything looks good, click Migrate and we will take care of the rest.

💡 Tip: if you need to make changes to your selection, click Remove, then click on Select Clients to return to step one where you can select the Clients anew.

Note: Migrating Clients to Trackunit Manager will delete the Customer in Classic Manager and all of their associated Alarms and Reports.

If a Client has not been migrated or deleted by March 31, 2025 they will automatically be migrated to Trackunit Manager using a default Customer Type.

Migrating Services to Service Management

Before starting the migration process, you will need to have at least one service plan created in the Service Management app in Trackunit Manager to assign assets to. Click here to learn how to create a service plan in Trackunit Manager

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager.

  2. Click on the Migration Tool app in the left-hand menu.

  3. Under Services, click Migrate.

You will need to decide which Services you would like to migrate and assign them to a Service Plan.

When you select one or more Services, you will see a blue bar pop up with options to delete or select one of your Service Plans in Trackunit Manager for your chosen assets to be assigned to.

Once you select a Service Plan, the selected assets will be removed from the list and moved to the review page.

When you have completed your selection, click Next.

Now, you will have one more chance to review the Services that will be migrated. If everything looks good, click Migrate and we will take care of the rest.

💡 Tip: if you need to make changes to your selection, click Remove, then click on Select Assets" to return to step one where you can select the assets anew.

Note: Service Plans in Classic Manager cannot be auto-migrated to a default Service Plan in Trackunit Manager. Any Services not migrated at the end of March 2025 will be removed from your account and cannot be recovered.

​Additional Resources

We hope the Migration Tool is helpful, and remember that our Trackunit Community is always an excellent resource for both Trackunit and peer-to-peer advice if you have any questions.

💡 Tip:

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