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How do I set up a temperature alarm in Classic Manager?
How do I set up a temperature alarm in Classic Manager?

Set up a temperature alarm to be notified when the unit registers temperatures outside the specified range.

Updated over a month ago

Note: Trackunit Alarms have been replaced by Trackunit Alerts in the new version of Trackunit Manager. We recommend you start using Alerts as soon as possible to get access to the latest functionalities.

Click here to read more about Trackunit Alerts

This alarm is supported only by units that have the relevant temperature sensors.

Set up a temperature alarm

Sign in to Trackunit Manager

  1. Go to Manager Classic.

  2. Go to Alarms.

  3. Click New alarm and select Alarm by temperature.

  4. Enter the Name of the alarm.

  5. Select the units you want to monitor.

  6. Specify the temperature range - temperatures outside of this range will trigger the alarm.

  7. Select the persons to be notified when the alarm is triggered.

  8. Press Save and exit.

temperature alarm_US.png

Set up a critical alert in Trackunit Manager

Get a notification and see the alert in the Attention list by setting up a Critical event.

  1. Go to the Alerts app.

  2. Click on the alert you want to update. This will open a dialog with the alert details.

  3. Click Edit to edit the setup of the alert

  4. Go to Triggers on the left side menu, and select Trigger critical alert

  5. Click next all the way to the end of the set up and click Create alert to finish and update the alert.

critical alarm navigation.png

Need a summary of the alarms you can set up in Manager Classic? Click here

💡 Tip:

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