Change transmission settings
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Customize the data you receive from Spot by editing some or all of the following:
Wake up time: the unit wakes up at this hour to send data. From then on it will send data according to the chosen interval
Transmission interval: the unit wakes up at regular intervals to send data. This interval is set to 24 hours by default. It can be configured to send data every 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, or 48 hours.
Note: a high frequency rate will impact the battery life.
Movement detection: the unit will transmit data when movement is detected by one of the following events:
Accelerometer detects vibration
Speed of the unit (data from GPS) is equal to or higher than 12 km/h or 7 mph
Unit was woken up by accelerometer and sleep time was shorter than 30 minutes. After movement detection the unit will wake up every hour to determine if the unit is still in motion. It will keep doing so, until the unit is at a standstill. Location updates will only be sent for 5 consecutive moves. After that the unit will be silent. When determined that the unit has stopped another location update will be sent.
Note: if you use the movement detection setting on equipment that moves around a lot like a trailer or forklift, it could use up the battery quickly.
High frequency tracking: when this is switched on, the unit will transmit data every 15 minutes for 4 hours, then returns to previous settings. This happens according to the chosen wake up time and interval. This setting can be useful for getting a location trail if you are in search of lost equipment
Battery replaced: when you replace the battery, you can reset the counters to return the estimated battery level to 100%.
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